Check Availability This Room

the room is compact & comfortable, furnished with classy furniture and complimentary amenities. 

Room Amenities

styler   Hair Dryer
water_heater   Water Heater
security   Metal Safe
kettle   Electric Kettle
air_purifier_gen   Air Conditioner Fleet Unit 
wifi   Wireless Intercom
tv   Smart Television Set
doorbell   Door Alarm
bed   Orthpaedic Mattress
table_lamp   Reading Table, Bed Lamp
room_preferences   Hanger, Mirror, Trash Can
shower   Bathroom
(Customized Towels, Shampoo, Soap, Shower, Cap, Gel, Slipers, Customized Cup )


smoke_free   Smoking is not allowed
wc   Number of Adults 2
child_care   2 kids under 13yrs allowed


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65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000